Gyarados Ex Premium Collection
Title :
1 ultra rare card with Gyarados ex. - 1 card representing Magikarp - 6 Pokémon TCG booster packs - 1 magnetic card protector with display base - 65 card sleeves representing Gyarados in Pokémon Tera - A code card for Pokémon TCG Live.
Product Description
Rain down tyranny with a powerful ex Pokémon! Deep beneath the surface of the water, a powerful transformation has occurred: Gyarados' ex is taking the Pokémon TCG stage by storm as a fierce Pokémon ex!
Harness its power and let its fury pour out on your opponents, then show it. remove it in a sturdy card protector. Magikarp is also here to lend a helping hand, and you'll find even more Pokémon for your team in the included recharge packs!
All cards are in English.

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